Showers of Blessing

Showers of Blessing is a partnership between City Road Chapel UMC, Community Care Fellowship, and Laymen’s Lessons to provide shower and laundry services for the homeless in Madison. Each week a team of volunteers assists anyone needing a hot shower, some laundry done, or just a kind word or other assistance as available.

Currently, Showers of Blessing is operating on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. The program is entirely run by volunteers, and we prefer 4-5 persons on the days we are operating.

If you would be able and interested in helping with Showers of Blessing please click here to see our calendar and signup page.

To make a financial donation to Showers of Blessing, please visit and select the fund” “Showers of Blessing/Madison Campus”